Rent The Runway – A Peek Inside!

Last week I got to see Rent The Runway’s newest digs in Chicago’s Goldcoast! So I thought I would give you a tour myself. Given it was the Grand Opening, there are lots of guests in my photos. But the space is EVERYTHING. Impeccable attention to detail and a wonderful extension to every Chicago girl’s closet. Rent dresses, accessories and even handbags on the spot. Or setup an appointment for your very own styling session. Even if you aren’t in the market for something pretty today, I highly recommend swinging by to see the space in person. It’s absolutely gorgeous! In the meantime, here is a sneak peek!

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Before we get started, a cocktail in hand is a must. Just in case you get thirsty yeah know? These Gin libations with rosette garnishes were flowing like water all evening!

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Even the hangers were finished with gold letter “R” branding.

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

As for the guest list? The place was packed with every fashionista west of the Mississippi. This isn’t even a fraction of the space! Or people.

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

A glimmer of the dressing room. Don’t forget the SPANX or seamless strapless bras. See, I told you they thought of everything!

SONY DSC Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Oh heeeeeey DJ! Can you turn the music up? P.S. Love the kicks.

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Getting hungry? Why not have a mini glazed donut? Courtesy of Boutique Bites – who’s owner just happens to be next Monday’s Work Smarter Not Smarter feature!

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Earrings, necklaces and bracelets, Oh My! You could spend hours at the bauble bar alone.

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

Racks of all kinds of dresses from all different designers. You are sure to be the bell of every ball!


Wouldn’t it be so fun to book an appointment with your besties and play dress up together? Especially before a big trip or event. Don’t quote me, but I think champagne may be involved too…

Chicago's Rent The Runway Storefront #Goldcoast #RTRxChicago

As for me, I went with something bright and green from my gal Kate. Kate Spade that is. I promise you fall in love with the store at first sight. And if you have never used Rent The Runway, be sure to take advantage of discount code RTRCEDARRUSH. $30 off of your purchase of $90 or more.  Cheers to Rent The Runway and welcome to the Windy City!