Interesting Conversation Starters

I don’t know about you but I feel like I have NOTHING to say or bring to the table these days.

Just the other day I had a conversation with a friend about the “smocked dress” trend. “I’m seeing it everywhere!” she said. I know it seems silly and small, but to chat about something light and fun for a change was refreshing.

P.S. If you like the smocked trend too, En Saison, Meadows and English Factory has the cutest pieces right now!

So if you’ve been running out of conversation topics after exchanging pleasantries, I decided to research some ideas.

Below are four situations, each with two interesting new conversation starters, to add to your repertoire. Just in time for the weekend!

On a first date…

Avoid the stereotypical “Do you have any siblings?”,  “Where did you grow up?”, “Where did you go to school?”.  Instead, try “What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?”. This allows you both to think back to the simpler times of childhood; to laugh and smile at what used to be a “favorite”.

Also, try talking about the future, “What is something on your bucket list?”. Maybe you have some similar items on your list; maybe you now have a new idea for a second date?

With your friends…

Ask, “What is a word or saying from the past that should be brought back?” With every generation comes new slang words, but what about some that have been lost in the shuffle? Maybe during this self quarantine you are feeling frobly-mobly. Or maybe you are happy for some alone time to get away from the ultracrepidarians.

Another conversation starter is, “What was the worst advice you have ever been given?”. People always talk about the best advice they were given, try flipping it around. We often learn best from mistakes.

For couples…

Think about your early time together, “What is your favorite memory from one of our dates?” Reminisce on the early years of your relationship, maybe reintegrate them into your future. Did you go on a road trip, a hike, a karaoke bar? Maybe that should be your next date idea!

If you want to go a little deeper, and esoteric, try “If you could learn the answer to one enigmatic question, what would it be?” Do you really want to know if there are aliens; maybe you just really do wonder how many licks it is to the center of a tootsie roll pop?

What are your thoughts?

What talking points are your “go to’s” to start or re kindle a conversation?

For more etiquette tips, click here.

Photography by Chicago Andrea