Printic – Snail Mail Made Easy

A couple weeks ago I read about this new app, Printic, and immediately had to try it. Have you heard of this? Printic allows you to send Instagram photos with a note, via snail mail. Select three pictures from your Instagram library, write a brief message, type in the recipient’s address and walaah! The cutest little envelope is on it’s way to a loved one. Genius.

I sent a Printic to myself so I (and you) could see the real deal…

{“thinking of you” note and photos}
{my Printic portfolio}

How perfect would this be when traveling out of the country, on a trip, letting someone know you are thinking about them or just keeping your grandparents in the loop (mine don’t know how all this social media stuff works). The possibilities are endless.

So what do you think? How would you use Printic? Wouldn’t this make for a cute proposal somehow?

P.S. First timer discount and you can find more of my picture adventures on Instagram here.

{images: all by me}