How To Make Effective Goals for 2015

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_0669

A lot can happen in a year.

How will you end 2014? We have exactly twenty three days until the year is over. What are YOU going to do to make it count? What do you want in life? What is preventing you from doing those things and how are you going to conquer them?

This is where my head is right now. Guys, I want so much out of life I am bursting at the seams. Do you ever feel this way? I want to up my blogging game; I want to figure out a way to make a living out of what I love; and I want to get super healthy. All so simple right? I wish!

I hope you had your coffee this morning because this is going to be a long one ladies.

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_0665I have experienced one of my most amazing years. The things I am most proud of are: I spoke at a conference, I started Garnish & Glam, I quit my career to pursue my dream doing something I love and I got a blog makeover. And I want even more for 2015.

These next twenty three days I am setting myself up to dominate. So how am I going to do that exactly? Well, to be honest, I have no idea. But I have a plan. That plan is to make it as easy as possible for me to reach my dreams. I am going to do a little of what I did last year and add a little something extra – which I think is going to be the magic!

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_0672So what’s the magic you ask? I am glad you asked. Lets back up for a second. A few months ago, I had an “Aha!” moment. I signed up for one of Jess Lively’s complimentary webinars and she said something that really registered with me. I am probably butchering her message but this is what I learned:

1. Identify your obstacles that are preventing you from doing what you want.
2. Remove those obstacles.

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_0671Easier said than done, but I love it. It is so simple, yet I realize I constantly set myself up for failure. This message has been marinading with me for awhile and I am applying this philosophy to 2015. I am so excited for this experiment and I will keep you updated on how things go. This took my some significant time but here are my two main goals for the upcoming year!

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_06661. HEALTH: I do not live the healthiest lifestyle. I attend 3-5 events on average every week. Which means a lot of booze, food and late nights. “Sips and treats” as we bloggers and PR people like to call it. I don’t sleep, my diet is terrible, I don’t work out and I sometimes just look awful! The holidays are not helping either. I am extremely educated in health, how to read labels, how to work out, etc. But I just don’t do it. The question is WHY? Let’s dive into it.

1. I am surrounded by food and alcohol. And I do not have the will power to say no to a chocolate tart and flute of champagne when presented. They just look so good!
2. I do not have time to work out (this is actually not true, but I tell myself this).
3. I am always on the go and unhealthy food is faster to grab.

1. Scale down the events. Significantly. I am so fortunate to receive invitations to some amazing openings and parties. But the truth is, it is wearing on me. It is temptation island at it’s finest. Cutting back the parties will remove the buttery apps and cocktails from within arms reach and give me more time to work out and make healthy recipes. Just handled 1, 2 and 3!
2. Meet for coffee over cocktails. People like to meet up and pick each others’ brains over drinks. I will suggest trading in libations for coffee/tea the next time someone reaches out.
3. Catch up with friends over a work out class instead of dinner. Combining something I don’t like doing with pleasure saves time and makes it more fun! Plus I am less tempted to order truffle fries or a crispy chicken sandwich. I will always love going out but I love the idea of a work out date.
4. Make healthy snacks that I can grab on the go and/or keep in my purse. Boiled eggs, energy balls, celery with peanut butter, Kind Bars, peanuts or cashews, etc. I love all these foods and there is no reason why I can’t fill the fridge with these healthier items.

See how this is working? Okay, next goal.

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_06732. UP MY BLOG GAME WITH BRANDS: I want to focus on collaborating and creating unique content with brands I love. This is my favorite thing to do and I love seeing how other bloggers put their own spin on products and services. So what is preventing me from working with more companies?

1. Brands do not know I exist.
2. Brands do not want to work with me.
3. I have other obligations that get in the way (that whole time thing again!)

1. Pitch to brands: This will be my number one thing this year and I may have already started. I am scared of being turned down but it comes with the territory right? I have heard this is how a lot of successful bloggers have gotten ahead but it is not quite public knowledge. Also, several businesses want to collaborate but they do not know how or who to work with. Reaching out directly makes it easy for them. I have found this so true when pitching to businesses for Garnish & Glam! Especially the local shops. They are so excited to do something new, that they do not have time for.
2. Find out what brands need: Let’s face it, I am not going to be Rolls Royce’s ideal candidate. But figuring out what companies want, their target audience and pitching to that angle, will increase my chances of businesses wanting to work with me!
3. Cut down on events to make time: This might just solve all my problems! I will use the time I would spend mingling either pitching, writing or creating.
4. Plan ahead: Keeping a content calendar and using my favorite planner (sold out but you can buy one at Magnificent Milestones!) will keep me grounded and able to see the bigger picture. Which means making time and planning for what I really want to do. Yay!

Nicole Regan Chicago Cedar and Rush_0667Whew! That was a mouthful wasn’t it? But I feel like I have a strategy and something I can work towards versus “I am going to be more healthy” or “I am going to blog better”. See how vague and intangible those statements seem? If you want to join me in removing obstacles to meet your goals, let me know. I would love to set up a Goal Buddy System and touch base once in a while. I of course plan to share my adventure here too. It would be so fun to do it together though. If you are interested, shoot me an email or leave a comment below.

What are your goals this year? Or do you tend to stay away from New Year resolutions?