Chicago Blogger

TGIF Friends!

I go from barely any blogging to TWO posts in one day. I’m so unpredictable these days huh? I keep telling myself I will get back on the 5 times a week train, but for some reason I just can’t.

I actually know what this “some reason” is – I want everything to be perfect so I end up not posting anything because it’s so overwhelming. Does that ever happen to you? I want to take my own photos, edit them, write incredible posts that have value, edit, edit it again, post all over social media – it’s exhausting!

It’s time I start being good enough instead of perfect.

I am in Nashville, Indiana this weekend for a Celebration Of Life. My step Uncle passed away a few months ago, so we are celebrating his life by sharing stories, catching up and being together. It has already been emotional and just so thankful to have an amazing family. It makes me wonder why we don’t do this more often.

Do you have anything going on this weekend? Have a wonderful two days off friends and see you next week!