Trend Alert! Endless Rose

2016 spring fashion, endless rose white swiss lace dress

So these pictures are way cooler than usual today.

Now I know what you’re thinking. It was Sean (my husband) who suggested the basket of eggs and twirling umbrella. Don’t forget the flowers in the pocket. But these delightful little details are shockingly all because of my super, talented mama, Cindy. Unbeknownst to her, since my parents moved closer, I’m making her style all my photoshoots. Thanks mom!

endless rose white swiss lace dress

Stuart Weitzman Heitz Cork Heels

Endless Rose Swiss Lace Dress // Pink Coat (vintage) // Stuart Weitzman Cork Heels // Vera Bradley Bowler Bag (I wear this handbag all the time!) // Rose Quartz bracelet by Rachel B Jewelry c/o (an incredible Chicago designer) // Marrin Costello bracelet // Vera Bradley Bubble Umbrella (on sale!) c/o // Le Specs Hey Macarena Sunglasses // U Plunge backless, strapless bra

endless-rose-white-eyelet-dress-11 endless rose swiss lace dress

Speaking of flowers, have you heard of Endless Rose? This emerging brand is trending BIG TIME. And you must know about it. Especially since the average price is less than $75. Details at this price range are like unicorns. They don’t exist!

I first discovered Endless Rose here. Now I spy the designer everywhere! Here, here and here to be exact.

endless rose swiss lace dress

So being the follower I am, I jumped on the bandwagon like a duck on a june bug. One moment I was cruising the web. The next thing I know, I’m twirling like a tulip in this lace number.

I bought her all on my own and plan to wear it to alllllllll the showers, lunches and brunches. Unfortunately this dress sold out like a hot potato (literally one week guys!). But trust me when I say there are plenty of options to tickle your fancy.

vera bradley bowler handbag

flowers in pocket

Since we are on the topic of deals…the pink coat. $8. At an estate sale. Yep. I can feel your jealousy through the screen. And I love it. Oh how I looooove it! I took her to the tailor (she was a wee large) and now she’s as sharp as a tack. I’m biased, but trust me.

endless rose white swiss lace dress

Now see the photo above? If you look closely, you can see my ta-tas.

Psssssshhhhh. You really think I’d give up the goods? Nice try. Although the dress is 100% see through (seriously…it’s the trend), this undetectable, seamless coverage is all thanks to this glorious bra. Given the shape and color you CANNOT see a stitch of material. Magic baby. Magic. It’s only $36 too.

stuart weitzman cork pumps

endless rose white swiss lace dress vera bradley umbrella

So there you have it kids. Endless Rose. An unexpected shopping spot. And your ta-tas’ have a new best friend. Let’s do this spring. Just don’t forget your umbrella!
