Kick Off Your Shoes! It’s Spring!








hush puppies axelle dewey bootie

Hey guys! It’s me Nicole. Remember when I used to blog? Well I am giving it whirl this week for kicks.

So since I’ve gone, I have Earth shattering news. Southern Indiana is in full bloom. Which means Chicago will be popping with florals any day now. Hooray!

And once they do, you too can frolick through a passage way of blooming trees. Aren’t they magical? I was so happy I kicked off my new favorite booties and experienced mother nature for all she’s worth.

Two weeks ago I visited my grandparents in Brown County, Indiana. We went geode hunting {I found 11!}, visited with my Granny and Grandad and watched March Madness. Pretty much everything I grew up doing as a kid.

My mom and I snuck away before dinner to take photos amongst these trees. Which is actually someone’s driveway. We may have driven up, knocked on the resident’s door and asked for permission. I mean, who frolicks without permission in someone’s front yard? Psssshh! No one civilized, I can tell you that. Luckily, I am one civilized woman.

So in a nutshell, that’s what I’ve been up to. Yep. As they say, no news is good news. What about you guys? I missed you.

Happy spring!

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P.S. Everything I’m wearing is below! Except the coat. I stole it from my very fashionable mama, who purchased it at the Kate Spade Outlet a few years ago.

P.P.S. I’ve also had my eye on these for SO long. Do you think I can wear them in the spring?