Trick or Treat?!

girl holding pumpkin in vest

picking pumpkin in vest

girl-picking-pumpkin-6 girl-picking-pumpkin-5 girl-picking-pumpkin-10 girl-picking-pumpkin-11 girl-picking-pumpkin-12 girl-picking-pumpkin-8

For the first time ever, trick or treaters will ring our doorbell! Sean and I are stoked. To prep, we set pumpkins on the stoop; simmering a pot of chili and chilling beers for the adults. I think we are more excited than the kids!

We get to some of our good friends’ kiddos {who live in our neighborhood}, as well as our nieces – Kinzie and Taylor. Kinzie is being an owl and Taylor a butterfly, who are the cutest things ever {I can say that as an aunt}.

Another thing I’m secretly excited for? I get to show off the new doormat.  Enter “how you know when you’re officially old” Here.

Lately, I’ve been living in my new preppy vest c/o by Lauren James. I feel like vests are especially big this year. On a recent girls trip, 4 of us wore vests the same day!  Lauren James (which is new to me) is knows for their adorable collegiate gear and casual wear. To boot, this yellow python handbag really pops against your outfit. I receive compliments every time I wear it!

So do you get trick or treaters? Have any darling little ones in your life who are dressing up too? If so, what are they being?

Happy Halloweenie!