Life’s A Journey Enjoy The Ride



Several years ago, Sean’s family gave their sister a piece of advice on her college graduation day…

“Life’s a journey, enjoy the ride!”

I later found out, these words were often said by their dad, who I sadly never meet. He passed away before Sean and I started dating. I remember getting goosebumps all over and it’s stuck with me ever since.

Until recently…



Lately, I’ve caught myself saying things like…  “as soon as I get the laundry done, finish emails and pay the bills, THEN I can relax”. Anyone else do this too?

I think it’s normal for responsibilities to consume our thoughts. But it’s getting to the point we miss out on those in between moments called LIFE. Like laughing in the grocery aisle; having a heart-to-heart in the car; or just being present in the moment. So it’s important to stop, take a rest and get back on track.

Which is why I’m loving the recent partnership between Shop Your Way and Gas Buddy. Shop Your Way allows you to save hundreds of dollars on every day responsibilities {like getting gas!} so you can spend it on things that really matter.


shop your way gas buddy app


My mom and I are heading to Bloomington, Indiana this week to visit my grandparents. Which just so happens to be the EXACT same place Sean’s sister received her graduation advice above. Tell me you aren’t getting CHILLS?!

I’m looking forward to spending car time with my mama. We can’t wait to use the Gas Buddy app to map out the best pit stops, find the nicest bathrooms {it’s a girls trip after all!} and take advantage of gas discounts along the way. If you like to save too, here are the details:



The partnership grants those who use the GasBuddy gasoline payment service a discount on every gallon of gas they pump. Shop Your Way members who travel and fill up using the Pay with GasBuddy service get:

  • $.30/gallon CASHBACK in Points for paid fill-ups for first 60 days after pairing their GasBuddy account with Shop Your Way
  • $.15/gallon CASHBACK in Points for every paid fill-up thereafter


So there you have it my friends. And remember …life’s a journey, enjoy the ride!



A huge thanks to Shop Your Way for sponsoring this post.