How To Make A Memorable Mocktail with Evolution Fresh

According to Forbes, “mocktails” are the new “it” trend. Pretty interesting right?

When I was pregnant the lack of effort and options that went into non-alcoholic drinks frustrated me!

I’d ask for a fun beverage {hold the booze!}. Only to be greeted with cranberry juice in a water glass? BOOOORING! It’s like can’t I get a little pizzazz up in here? I wanted to feel part of the party.

how to make mocktail

Lately I’ve noticed restaurants incorporating hand crafted “spirit free” options. It makes me so happy! So I got to thinking, we should do this when hosting too.

So next time you have a party, be sure to serve a memorable mocktail for your guests who aren’t drinking to sip! They will love you forever. I’m sure of it!

how to make mocktail

Evolution Fresh just asked me to share how to make delicious AND stylish mocktails. So I had to tell you my three EASY tips too! That seriously anyone can do!

Their cold pressed juices are SO DELICIOUS and brightly colored. So they’re perfect! Not to mention zero work for you. I’ve been using them as my main ingredient for mocktails recently. I just served my Mother In Law the watermelon flavor and she LOVED it. Let’s just say she had thirds.

how to make mocktail

After you watch the video, get my 3 best tips by heading over to Evolution Fresh NOW!

Photos by Chicago Andrea Creative

A HUGE thanks to Evolution Fresh for sponsoring this post!