My Weird Family Tradition

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So did you guys know I am a Southern country girl at heart? Yes siree Bob. I can hook my own worm; drive stick shift; and mimic several animal mating calls. Country girl turned big city! But as they say…you can take a girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl. Born and raised in Oklahoma, I still turn to my “Oakie” ways once in awhile.

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One of those “ways” is mushroom hunting. Have you ever had a Morel? They are some of the tastiest (and most expensive) mushrooms out there. $59/lb at Eataly to be exact. They are difficult to find but in season for a short while this time of year. Back in the day, my mom, dad and I would go Morel hunting for fun. Can you imagine?! Now my idea of a good time is cocktail tasting on Rush St. My how things have changed.

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When I visited my family in Madison this past weekend for Mother’s Day, we decided to take Sean out for a spin. He’d never been! And it’s been years since the Nelson clad (my maiden name) last went. So how does one go mushroom hunting? Basically you go out in the woods. For hours. Sounds like a good time huh? Come here often?

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You search and search and search. You can read all about the techniques with a simple Google search. They are prized possessions for gourmet chefs and there is just something about the thrill of the hunt.

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That’s my dad, Tom! “I think we need to head back this way!”

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Larry, my dog, liked it too. This concrete jungle cat navigated the woods like a mountain lion. Leash free I might add. Rooaaaar!

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Now I wish I had a bag full of mushrooms to share at the end of this story. But unfortunately we didn’t find a single one. Not one mushroom I tell you! It appears we were too early. However I can tell you what we DID find. Some cold beer and a fish fry in the cutest town eveeeeer. Paoli. Friday nights are hopping kids! Probably some of the best fried fish I have ever had. Seriously!

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Good thing I had my jean jacket handy. Every girl’s essential when taking it from “woods” to “night”.


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Madison Paoli Wisconsin_0472The best part of the whole experience was that Larry got to run around like a lunatic. No rules in Paoli! Dogs are equals around these parts. Man’s best friend after all.

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Get down from there Larry Mountain Lion!

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So now that I shared a weird family tradition of mine, it’s only fair if you share one of yours. No holding back now folks. Don’t leave me hanging!

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