How To Overcome Fear + Giveaway! *CLOSED*

Outfit Details: Bell Sleeve Top || Necklace || Jeans {old but similar here} || Sunglasses || Pink Heels || Ring


  Confession: Every time I hit publish on my blog (or Instagram), I get anxious. This may come as a surprise, but I hate, hate, hate posting photos of myself. It actually took me years to muster up the courage to do it! My fear is that people will think {that I think} I’m trying to be a model. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. LOL. I’m also afraid people will make fun of me. Which they do! Or people will unfollow me. Which they do that too! Even people I know. Eeeeeek! But you think I’d be used to it, right? Not really. So why do I do it? And how do I still push through it? Glad you asked. It all comes down to TWO rules I live by. And they truly apply to EVERYTHING in life. Actually, come to think of it, there are three…  


  1. Say out loud (don’t just think it) or write down – what you fear. Just acknowledging your fear somehow alleviates anxiety and makes it seem smaller than it originally felt. Seriously try it.
  2. Come to the realization you can’t grow or get to that next level without putting yourself out there. That’s also accepting the bad things that may come with it, in order to get the great. AKA how bad do you want it?
  3. BONUS: A little liquid courage never hurts either 😉

For me and blogging, I’ve been told “no”, unfollowed, ignored. But once in a while, something magical happens. As a result, I’ve been so lucky and fortunate to work with innovative brands {who want to follow me on Instagram too!} and meet smart, successful people that I would otherwise never meet. None of these things would never have happened if I didn’t post on my blog. This goes with so many other aspects of life too. Maybe it’s asking your boss for a raise. Telling someone you like them. Or just asking someone to do something! Maybe they’ll say no, but maybe they’ll say YES! Things don’t happen when you play it safe. Don’t settle for mediocre just to be cool.  

  So, as my husband always says, “Do you want to be the cool loser or the shaky winner?” The Regan’s ALWAYS say….Shaky. Winner. Now trust me, I get it. Easier said than done right? The possibility of rejection is SCARY. And I still struggle with it. We are humans after all! Which is why I’m so excited to attend the Fear Paradox Summit in Chicago {at The Virgin Hotel) this weekend! It’s a three-day experience designed to remove friction from the path of innovation, to inspire and lead women closer to their fears, through the anxiety abyss, pushing paradoxical fearlessness to a new level of success. And I want you to come with me! You can purchase tickets and find all the details here. The Keynote Speakers look AMAAAAZING and it’s time for a little mix up in my life. If you’re going, please tell me. I’d LOVE to meet you!  


And to help you face your fears too, I’m giving away TWO FREE tickets to ONE lucky winner.   ****CLOSED**** TO ENTER: Congratulations Jessica!! You are the winner! Comment below sharing ONE fear of yours. It can be personal, business related, small or BIG. That’s it! I’ll announce the winner TOMORROW, July 25th at Noon. Best of luck ladies and can’t wait to tell you all about it! All travel expenses are the responsibility of the winner, must be over 18 and a US resident to win. Good luck!  



Outfit Details: Bell Sleeve Top || Necklace || Jeans {old but similar here} || Sunglasses || Pink Heels || Ring


Fear Paradox Summit provided me a complimentary ticket in exchange for this blog post. I CAN’T WAIT to go!!!

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