How To KonMari Your Nursery With Monica & Andy


If you’re looking to use the KonMari Method for your nursery, you’ve come to the right place!

I have to admit – this video makes me tear up every time I watch it. Which is A LOT if I’m being honest. Haha! Ooooh moms. We just love our little babies don’t we? Penelope was just two weeks old and looks so tiny to me now.

konmari method nursery


But enough about me. This video with Monica & Andy is super helpful if you’re looking to learn how to fold all those onesies, pants, bibs and blankets the KonMari Method way. You’ll also find the organizing advice on books, diapers and stuff is SUPER helpful.



I was delirious the entire time of filming. So thank goodness Kristyn Ivey, certified KonMari consultant and founder of For The Love of Tidy, is the star! She’s also Chicago’s First Certified KonMari Tidying Consultancy and an absolute DOLL! You can even hire her to organize your life.


konmari method nursery


Monica & Andy – which is an all organic baby clothes boutique with the CUTEST prints-  has been my go to gift for friends and their babies FOR YEARS. Now that I get to buy stuff for my daughter is simply the BEST. They sell their stuff at Nordstrom’s too!


konmari method nursery


I hope you enjoy the video. Get more tips and tricks on Monica & Andy’s blog too!

Monica & Andy – thank you from the bottom of my heart for beautifully capturing this memory I can watch forever!

Also, get the details on Penelope’s neutral nursery.