Penelope’s Christmas Outfit

My girl! I just love her so much.

It hasn’t happened yet but I already know this will be my favorite Christmas yet.

Although Penelope doesn’t fully understand Santa, we know she’s going to freak out over presents and toys. It’s like I’m a kid again!

If you love to dress up your babies for special occasions, like I do, White Elephant Designs sent Penelope this sweet smocked dress with a personalized cardigan! The same dress comes in different designs and the boy options are just darling. Can’t even handle this bubble! As for the cardigan, you can get it in white with different colored and styled fonts. So lots of options!

Christmas doesn’t get any sweeter than this! And speaking of White Elephant Designs, I’m doing a giveaway with them right now. Click to enter now – BUT HURRY! Ends tomorrow!

P.S. Check out Penelope’s Christmas jammies, her first tree and the EXACT order to trim your tree!

Photos by Chicago Andrea Creative