How To Side Step Personal Questions

In a world where we post our picture perfect breakfasts, #OOTD and Throwback Thursday’s, where do we draw the line on what is “too personal”?

Boundaries are hard to define and quite blurred in this current landscape, but you have the right to keep your “personal bubble”… well… personal.  

When someone asks you a too personal question, you need to develop “non answer” responses.

Here are some clever responses from none other than Luann’s book {of Real House Wives of New York} – “Class With The Countess”. I actually found her etiquette book while thrifting at Goodwill and couldn’t resist snagging it up!

3 Responses For Side Stepping Personal Questions

If someone…

Asks you, “How much did that cost?”, reply with, “I really don’t know. It was a gift.” Or “I don’t know.”

Makes a rude question or comment, reply with,  “I just don’t think I’m going to respond to that.” Or “Oh, I’d have to know you better to answer that!”

Asks a tactless or impolite question, reply with “Wherever did you hear that?” Or “I’m sure you could give me some advice on that.”

In the words of Emma Watson, “The less you reveal, the more people can wonder.” There is no reason to tell people the answers to everything they ask. By handling the awkward situation smoothly, and not causing friction, you can show you are strong and do not find them to be amusing.

What are your thoughts?

When you are asked a very personal question, do you answer them honestly? Or do you evade them? What answers do you give?

P.S. How to politely end a conversation and some interesting conversation starters!